This will be short and sweet! Here are some links I found the most interesting this week:
1). Measles Cases Linked to Disneyland Rise…: I am a pretty calm person but after hearing about a measles outbreak at Disneyland I was incensed. Beyond frustrated and extremely angry. The happiest place on earth is no longer that! It’s simple — get vaccinated, prevent contagious diseases. I’m ashamed that the Bay Area has some of the highest percentages of unvaccinated children because parents here think they’re above scientific evidence. Did you know that complications of measles include swelling of the brain causing mental retardation and also death? Read more about my thoughts on vaccines, the nonexistent link between MMR and autism, and Jenny McCarthy.
2). The Appeal of Higher Education: How your Graduate Degree Stacks Up in the Dating Game: From Coffee Meets Bagel, a fun dating app start up founded by three Korean sisters, comes this article about how desirable and how picky grad degrees are on the dating website. Punchline: Being a male doctor rocks.
3). 7 Ways to Combat Manterrupting: I had never heard of this before! “Manterrupting” and “bro-propriate” will be terms you recognize after this neat infographic. PSA for all men out there.
4). Blackbeard’s Medical Devices: Not for the faint of heart, per the authors! Old and somewhat creepy looking medical tools found aboard Blackbeard’s ship.
5). Anti-Aging in your Twenties: It’s never too early to start! This is an oldie but a goodie, and one I especially appreciated since I’m experimenting with Retinol right now (and having an awful time of it, to be honest! Pictures on that disaster to come later…).
Really enjoyed these, especially the anti-aging article. Thanks for sharing! Here are two that I think you might like:
-why our skin wrinkles in the shower (maybe you heard about this already, but I just read this and my mind was blown):
-a review on dark circles and treatments (bad genes + not enough sleep = zombie-like dark circles for me):
Thank you for sharing those articles! I never knew why human skin gets so prune-y and now it all makes sense…evolution (of course…). I’ve been having a bad case of dark circles this month on ICU so I feel your pain!