July 4th is already a special holiday to begin with, what with the spectacular fireworks displays and all the fanfare that comes with America’s birthday, but it also happens to be my father-in-law’s birthday and M and my wedding anniversary! Talk about cramming all the celebrations into one day. I can’t believe that one year has already passed since we got married in the redwood mountains of Santa Cruz. It has been an amazing year filled with firsts: first year of marriage, first year of being an MD, and first year moving across country to continue my dermatology training. I’m not going to get all cheesy on you here, but I will say this: M has been my rock through the up’s and downs’ of intern year, from the high’s of curing patients and experiencing miracles to the low’s when I come home shocked and broken over sad patient outcomes. I don’t think I would have survived this past year and the transition to NYC without my partner and best friend by my side. So hubs, if you ever read this, thank you for being the love of my life and for supporting me and loving me through everything!
A few weeks ago, Barbara, our amazing wedding coordinator and owner of the Nestldown estate, graciously invited us back for our one year anniversary celebration. Barbara was kind enough to set out a small table with flowers to celebrate our special day and we spent a few hours strolling through the magical gardens of Nestldown with champagne in hand. The weather was beautiful and the whole place was bursting with flowers. We couldn’t help but recreate a few of the same poses from our wedding shoot too. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend our last day in California! Here are some pictures from our revisit:
Walking down the long staircase reminded me of walking down the aisle with my dad to the tune of “A Thousand Years” from the Piano Guys one year ago! I even played the song on my iPhone here to complete the moment
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