I seriously cannot contain my excitement and I’m LITERALLY SHAKING as I’m typing this caption: Skin Refinery, my baby, my 100% virtual dermatology clinic, is now live, servicing patients in California and Washington! All updates, appointment openings, and changes will be announced both on the Skin Refinery site as well as on the official Instagram account @skinrefineryofficial.
After 10+ years of working towards becoming a dermatologist, I can create my dream career.
After years of working in a traditional clinic model, I realized that I need to do things differently.
I’m DONE with practicing the old way, the traditional way, where patient volume, metrics, and numbers were the only ways I was judged as a doctor.
I felt replaceable, like a cog in a machine.
A broken machine, at that.
I knew I’d experience burnout soon into my practice as an attending physician if I didn’t make some big changes.
So here we are! I created Skin Refinery because:
I want to focus back on the core patient-doctor relationship and deliver care the way I see fit, not how insurance companies or hospital administrators tell me to practice medicine. For this reason, this is a fee for service clinic, where you pay for the care you receive, without going through insurance.
I want a way to help patients and give back to this amazing community because there is such a need for evidence-based, scientific skincare advice provided by a dermatologist.
I want 100% ownership over how things are run, including scheduling, staffing, the look and feel of my website and socials, and more.
I want flexibility as my career has grown to include consulting, content creation, work travel, and making more time for family.
I have always dreamed of starting my own practice, and being my own boss.
I’m here telling you today that anything is possible.
Thank you for coming along with me on this wild ride!
PS please check out, because I made that baby all by myself and I’m a proud mama right now
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